Welcome to the 2nd trimester of your pregnancy, i.e. the 14th to 26th week of pregnancy. Many pregnant women find this time the most pleasant: The initial symptoms – such as tiredness and nausea – have subsided, energy is returning and the stomach is not yet in the way. This period is sometimes even referred to as the “golden phase”.
Your belly is growing
By now you probably have a baby bump – for some it is more pronounced, for others it is still very small. You may also discover a dark line, the so-called “linea nigra”. It is harmless and occurs due to hormonal changes. In some women it is clearly visible, while others do not have it at all. And don’t worry, it fades again after the birth with the hormonal changes.
In addition, it may well be that your breasts are already larger now and you may need other – comfortable! – bras. Incidentally, it is possible that a little milk may leak from time to time, which is also completely normal.
Now things are moving
The foetus – your baby! – is busy training in your tummy, doing somersaults and already making faces, opening their eyes and practising grasping. From the 18th week onwards you may feel your baby’s first movements. At the beginning, you may be unsure whether you have actually perceived something. But over time, the impulses will become stronger and stronger and your child will really start to make themselves known. By now, your baby can not only taste, but also feel pressure, pain and cold. In addition, they are now slowly but surely putting on weight and their skin is becoming smoother and smoother due to the fat deposits. It is now about the size of a papaya.
A detailed ultrasound is usually carried out between the 20th and 23rd week, during which the foetus’ organs are examined in detail. Incidentally, depending on the position of the baby, the sex of your child can be recognised! So think about whether you want to know beforehand or would rather be surprised.
What you can do
Your child will be able to hear you during the second trimester. Talk to them or sing to them – this is how the first bonding steps happen before birth. Take time to nurture the connection with your growing baby and take the time in quiet moments to reflect on the big changes ahead. You may also want to use the time to go on holiday again: the second trimester is well suited for this. Also, stay physically active without overexerting yourself or pushing yourself to the limit. Perhaps you would like to try pregnancy yoga? And you can already start thinking about the birth and considering, for example, where and how you would like to give birth.
The 2nd trimester in brief
- The second trimester is the most pleasant for many pregnant women – look forward to it and perhaps plan a holiday.
- Your belly and breasts are growing and you may now need different bras.
- Your baby is also growing and training and you may already be noticing your baby’s first movements.
- If the baby’s position allows it, it is now possible to determine their sex during the ultrasound. Do you want to know or do you want to be surprised?
- Stay active and make sure you get good, restful sleep.

BimBubble tip
Some women find it difficult to sleep during pregnancy – even though they actually need it so much. If you have trouble falling asleep, make sure you maintain good sleep hygiene: eat only lightly in the evening and refrain from stimulating activities two hours before your planned bedtime. Instead, treat yourself to a bath, drink a relaxing tea or read. Breathing and meditation exercises can also help. From the second trimester onwards, it is also recommended that you no longer sleep on your back because the weight of your baby can restrict blood circulation. It is better to lie on your left side. It might feel good to put a pillow between your legs: This reduces the pressure in the hips and can prevent pain.
Hirslanden; “The second trimester”; accessed 9.2.2024; https://www.hirslanden.ch/en/corporate/for-all-episodes-of-life/hirslanden-baby/pregnancy/pregnancy-weeks/second-trimester.html