You are pregnant! Maybe you’ve known for a while, maybe you’ve just found out. Maybe you’re really happy, maybe you’re unsure or maybe you’re really worried. No wonder – pregnancy is a life-changing event and brings with it countless emotions! But carrying a new life within you not only brings new feelings, but also major physical changes. But first things first.
The pregnancy test
Pregnancy can announce itself in different ways: a clear signal is usually the absence of menstruation. Other indications can be nausea, sensitive breasts, tiredness or mood swings. If you suspect that you are pregnant, you can take a pregnancy test at home two weeks after your period has stopped or after the suspected conception.
From embryo to foetus
Pregnancy lasts 40 weeks – from the last period to the birth. The first trimester comprises the first 13 weeks. In the first few weeks after conception, the fertilised egg nests in the lining of the uterus. This process, also known as implantation, marks the beginning of pregnancy. Your baby will develop rapidly in the following weeks: the heart begins to beat and the basic structures for the brain and other organs are already forming. Your baby grows and turns from an embryo into a foetus. By the end of the first trimester, the head will be easily recognisable and everything will be in place: forehead, nose, chin, lips, upper and lower jaw and ears. After 13 weeks, your baby is about the size of a peach.
Challenges at the beginning of pregnancy
The physical and emotional changes can be challenging for you. Many women experience nausea, often known as morning sickness, as well as cravings or aversions to certain foods. These symptoms are due to the increased hormone levels and usually subside towards the end of the first trimester. Fatigue is also a common sign, as the body needs more energy for the development of the embryo.
Examination by a medical professional
If you have a positive pregnancy test in your hand, you will probably want to see your gynaecologist immediately to confirm the pregnancy and to be sure that everything is okay. But don’t be surprised if you are only given an appointment when you are already between the 11th and 16th week of pregnancy. After all: basic insurance only covers one medical check-up before the 16th week of pregnancy. However, if you are very worried, be sure to say this.
During the first examination, an ultrasound scan is usually carried out – often vaginally – to confirm the pregnancy, rule out the risk of an ectopic pregnancy and determine whether there is a multiple pregnancy. And the doctor will probably also tell you the expected date of birth – exciting, isn’t it?
What you can do
“Eat for two” – you hear this all the time, but it’s not true. In fact, eating a balanced diet and dealing with any hunger pangs with moderation are much more important than the quantity. Continue to ensure moderate exercise and fresh air and avoid alcohol, cigarettes and drugs. If your feelings during pregnancy are overwhelming, if you feel insecure or develop fears, don’t hesitate to seek support from a medical professional.
The 1st trimester in brief
- There are various signs of pregnancy. You can take a test two weeks after you missed your period to be sure.
- The first examination with the medical professional usually takes place between the 11th and 16th week of pregnancy.
- The pregnancy is confirmed and an ectopic pregnancy is ruled out. The due date is also calculated!
- The embryo grows rapidly in the first trimester and becomes a foetus in which almost everything is already in place.
- If you suffer from morning sickness, there are various tips that can help. These complaints usually subside by the end of the 1st trimester.

BimBubble tip
If you suffer from morning sickness, it can help to eat a snack immediately after waking up – i.e. while still in bed. This stabilises blood sugar and can prevent nausea. Also avoid odours and foods that make you feel unwell. It is better to eat small portions more often than large quantities at once, and avoid very spicy and greasy dishes. Natural remedies such as ginger sweets or fresh ginger can help, as can bitter substances.
Hirslanden; “The first trimester”; accessed 9.2.2024