Breastfeeding positions

You do not need to prepare your breasts for breastfeeding. Proper breastfeeding technique helps prevent sore breasts. Your first time breastfeeding will be immediately after the birth of your child. The frequency and duration of breastfeeding are different for every baby. Always breastfeed when your child shows signs of hunger. Your breast will produce as much milk as your child needs. Initially, your baby will also feed during the night until they adapt to the day-night cycle.

There are various breastfeeding positions. You can find an explanation of the most common positions below. The most important thing is to find a comfortable place in a peaceful environment. You should also set aside plenty of time. The midwife, nursing staff or breastfeeding consultant can help you with this.

Breastfeeding positions

Laid-back position

Lean back and have the baby lie prone on top of you. This position is well-suited to the first few days and weeks after birth. It is comfortable and fosters bonding.

Cradle position

This breastfeeding position is easy and practical for when you’re on the go. Placing a cushion under your arm will also make it more comfortable for you.

Cross-cradle position

This position allows you to actively guide your baby towards your breast. You can also support your breast with your free hand.

Clutch position

This position is ideal for restless babies and in the event of breast engorgement. When your baby opens their mouth wide, you can gently guide their head to your breast.

Side-lying position

The side-lying position is a good choice after a C-section or birth injury. It is also suitable for night-time feeding. Your baby may fall asleep in this position.

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