Month 18

The 18th month

Another milestone has been reached: your child is 18 months or a year and a half old – amazing, isn’t it? One minute your baby was still very small and helpless and now your toddler is already exploring the world on their own two feet. They can walk and run more safely and even bend down and stand up again – without falling.

The 18th month in brief

Exercise is good for you

Many children at this age are endlessly curious and seemingly tireless. It is therefore important to satisfy this urge to move. Playgrounds are now a wonderful pastime: some children could spend hours on the swings, others find the Gigampfi fun or make their first attempts at climbing on the scaffolding. Fresh air, exercise and the joy of playing are good for your child – and often also ensure a good night’s sleep.

Bringing the fun indoors

But big outdoor excursions are not always possible and adventures need to be brought inside. One way is to build a cave. You can build exciting hiding places with blankets, cushions, a table and chairs or perhaps even a play tunnel. Children love to linger in it. And maybe they can even enjoy their snack or afternoon snack in their kingdom – just like real adventurers. Playing hide and seek, simple wooden puzzles or rolling, throwing and catching with a not too big and above all soft ball can also be fun activities. But as already mentioned, your child doesn’t need constant entertainment. It can learn to endure boredom and keep itself occupied.

Growing up bilingual

Your child is speaking more and more and is already forming two-word sentences at best. You should refrain from using baby talk now: Your child will also understand you if you communicate with them in simple, clear sentences. Some children already use their name when they talk about themselves. Children who grow up bilingual – i.e. with two or even more languages – may experience a slight delay in language acquisition. However, they usually catch up quickly.

Discovery moment of the month: "This is me"

We already described in month 8 that a mirror can be exciting for your child. Now he is coming back. And that’s because your child will almost certainly recognize themselves. You can find out whether this is already the case with the so-called “blush test”. Use lipstick or make-up to draw a red dot on your child’s forehead or cheek and then show them a mirror. If the child touches its own forehead or cheek to remove the dot after looking in the mirror, this is taken as an indication that the child has recognized itself in the mirror.

BimBubble tip

It will probably be a while before your child is dry – i.e. no longer needs diapers. Nevertheless, you can already familiarize your child with the potty: Perhaps the teddy bear does his business there or your child sits on it to practise. Some children also clearly indicate before they have to do a small or a big business. If this is the case, you can place your child on the Häfeli at this point. But don’t worry if it doesn’t work yet: controlling the bladder and bowels takes time and patience.

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