Tips for introducing the bottle

Your baby is experiencing many things for the first time, and will first need to get used to feeding from a bottle. A bottle even requires a different sucking technique to a breast.

It’s important that you take your time and choose a peaceful moment to start introducing the bottle. For some children, it takes several attempts, while others reject the bottle entirely.

What should you do if the baby rejects the bottle?

You can try taking turns with your partner or another person you trust. It sometimes helps if the father, grandmother or another trusted person feeds the baby instead of the mother. Changing position can also help. Be aware that your child will need to get used to bottle feeding at first. Using a different teat can also help sometimes. Speak with your breastfeeding consultant or midwife. They can give you additional tips.

Feeding babies and infants,, accessed on 10.07.2023

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